Plavbu zivotem zacali na lodiTheir started their life on boat
I dnesni sobotni rano slibovalo krasny den. Kratky beh, sprcha, snidane a odjezd na svatbu…standardni oblibeny postup letosni sezony:]
Prvni rijnova svatba se nesla ve znameni cervenych detailu. Pocasi a brilantni vyzdoba cele svatby jen podrhly to, na co se mnozi tesili i nekolik let. Martin a Marianka se rozhodli zacit svou plavbu zivotem v elagantni stylu na Golf Yacht primo na Vltave. Mel jsem tu cest byt s novomanzeli hned od rana, coz si myslim, ze je prijemnejsi jak pro mne tak i pro nevestu a zenicha. Muzeme si tak na sebe trosicku lepe zvyknout a dat si treba i vyborny rum na zacatku celeho velkeho dne:]
Obrad byl primo na palube lodi a nesl se v rodinne a vskutku prijemne atmosfere. Oba celebrujici byli rodinni znami a to vzdy dokaze jedinecnym zpusobem podrhnout dulezitost svatby. Ta je totiz nejen prilezitosti k velke slave, ale je i dulezitym symbolem zavazku a spolecne vule dvou lidi jit od tohoto dne zivotem spolu. A tak jak cely den krasnym obradem zacal, tak i pokracoval ve velmi klidnem a radostnem tonu az do pozdni noci. Martin pripravil pro svatebcany nekolik prekvapeni jako napriklad vyborne barmany, kteri byli s to namichat cokoliv na co si vzpomenete. Druhym prekvapenim bylo kubanske kvatro SANTY y su Marabu, ktere bylo opravdove a autenticke:]
Kvetinova vyzdoba: Pamela Marvalova
Lokace: Golf Yacht Hotel
Hudba: SANTY y su Marabu

Even today’s Saturday morning promised a beautiful day. Short run, shower, breakfast and depart for the wedding … my standard this season:]
The first wedding in October was marked by the red detail. Weather and brilliant ornaments only underline what many were looking forward for several years. Martin and Marianka decided to begin their voyage through life in elegant style on Golf Yacht Hotel directly on the Vltava. I had the honor to be with new husband right from the morning, which I think is enjoyable fir both – me and for the bride and groom. We can get used to each other a bit more before the big moments come. And sometime we can start even with an excellent rum at the beginning of the great day:]
Ceremony was right on board and wedding was carried in the family and truly pleasant atmosphere. Both priests were officiating family friend and it always manages in a unique way underline the importance of marriage…
Flower Arrangements: Pamela Marvalova
Location: Golf Yacht Hotel
Music: Santy y su Marabu