Výběr ze svatebních fotografií 2011 aneb co mne potěšilo i pobavilo:)The selection of 2011 wedding photography and what was funny and great:)

Byl to uzasny rok! Jsem nesmirne vdecny me zene ze mne podporila v rozhodnuti jit a plne se venovat tomu, co mne bavi! Je to skvele:] Moc dekuji vsem, se kterymi jsem se potkal, se kterymi jsem mohl prozit svatbu, zasnuby i kazdodenni radosti. Dekuji kamaradum za napady, ale i za party a cas, ktery jsme mohli prozit spolu!

Bez vas bych tu ted nemohl vlastne ani byt!

A tady je maly vyber z mych svatebnich fotografii 2011

It was an amazing year! I am grateful to my wife for her support in my decision to go and devote myself to what I do and what I enjoy! It’s a great experience to live my dream:] I am thankful to all whom I met with, whom I could spend wedding and engagement time with and everyday joys. Thank you my friends for ideas, but also for the party times and the time that we could live together!

Without you here now I actually could not be here!

And here is a small selection of my wedding photos of 2011

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