Kdyz spontánnost potká věduWhen spontaneity meets science
Pavel je muj dobry pritel jiz od detstvi. Jako mali kluci jsme absolvovali nekolik taboru a ruznych vyletu a Pavla to – tentokrat jako vedouciho – drzi dodnes. Na jednom takovem tabore se potkal i s Barou, studentkou socialni prace. Spolecne dohlizeli na deti a zalibilo se jim to natolik, ze se rozhodli vyrazit si na rande, kdyz uz byli tak sehrani 🙂
Pamatuji si, kdyz mi poprve vypraval o sve rudovlase pritelkyni. Vesela spontanni Baru rozzarila vedou naplneny Pajuv svet. Mozna ji na rande vypravel o hvezdach, obloze a zafungovalo to 😉 A to bylo par let dozadu. Nyni jsem jim se svym fotoaparatem byl poruce, kdyz se rozhodli rict si sve “ano”.
Pocasi nam uplne nepralo, ale jak se rika – stesti preje pripravenym – a stastnym taky, protoze novomanzele si uzivali i tak. Naprselo jim hodne stesti 🙂
Jsem moc rad, ze jsem prave svymi fotografiemi mohl Pavlovi a Bare prispet k jejich prvnimu spolecnemu “dedictvi” a doufam, ze pokazde, kdyz si je budou prehlizet, se jejich tvare rozzari, jak tomu bylo i pri nase loucno-lesni photosession. Toz, posudte sami 🙂

Pavel is my very good childhood friend. When we were young we attended many camps and took part in numerous scout-trips. And Pavel – this time as a mentor – sticks to this tradition until now. In one of these camps he met Bara – student of a social work. Together they looked after the kids and they liked it (each other 😉 so much, they decided to go on a date..since they were already such an amazing team…
I remember when Pavel told me for the first time about his red-haired girlfriend. Funny spontaneous Baru made Pavel’s science-filled world shake. And maybe he was telling her stories about the sky and the stars. And it worked 🙂 Well, this is is the past. In the presence I was there for them with my camera when they decided to say the YES-word.
The weather wasn’t very generous towards our newlyweds, but in spite of that they enjoyed their day in the fullest. A lots of luck rained down on them 🙂
I am very happy, that I could contribute to their first family “heirloom” with my photographs and I hope that every time they look at the pictures, their faces will be glowing such as they did during our meadow-forest-photo session.
Well, check out yourselves 🙂