Tyden se zenou a ISPOne week with my wife and ISP
Posledni tyden byl opravdu rusny. Priletela za mnou ma zena, a tak jsme spolu po mesici stravili cely tyden. Bylo to fantasticke, co vam budu povidat. Na zacatek mi Zina predala muj novy pracovni nastroj MacBook Pro, a tak prosim za prominuti, ze zatim pisi bez hacek a carek. Vice k tomuto tematu pozdeji. Druhym bodem naseho spolecneho tydne byl lehce pracovni a to na programu pro International School of Prague {ISP}. Ja jsem tam primarne fotografoval a zena pomahala kolegum s programem. Samozrejme v sobotu jsem fotografoval svatbu a k ni se take dostaneme pozdeji.
V pondeli jsme si se Zii udelali jeden krasny vecer sami pro sebe. Vyuzili jsme svatebniho darku od Peti a Romana a zasli jsme na veceri do Zatisi. Ja mel krepelku a jehneci, Zii si dala krevety a srnce a k tomu vybrana vina. Vecere to byla nad miru prijemna a shodli jsme se, ze tato restaurace stoji za dalsi navstevu. Jidlo bylo delikatni a obsluha vstricna a zdvorila, takze krome jednoho rajcatka, to bylo super:]
Mejte nadherny ctvrtek!

Last week was really busy. After a month my my wife came to visited me and we spent a whole week together. It’s fantastic to be with my wife after such a long time. At the beginning I got from her my new working tool: MacBook Pro, so I beg your pardon, that so far its written without hook and commas. More on this topic later. The second point of our week was slightly a work program on a program for the International School of Prague {ISP}. I was there primarily as photographer no one and Zina helped colleagues out with the program.
Of course on Saturday I photographed a wedding and also I will write about it later because it was really interesting wedding not just of that track…
On Monday we had with Zii a lovely evening for yourself. We used a wedding gift from Roman and Peta and we went for a dinner to Zatisi. I had, quail and lamb, Zina took shrimps and roe deer, and chosen wines with it. Dinner was pleasant and at peace we agreed that this restaurant is worth another visit. Food was delicious and the service friendly and polite, so except for a tomato, it was cool:]
Have a beautiful Thursday!