Dubai, aneb par dni se zenouDubai, and time with my wife
Pred koncem kalendarniho roku, jsem stejne jako loni prchl do tepla do naruce me zeny. Tady mam oazu pro spani, premysleni a cviceni:] Netrva sice dlouho, ale zato je vydatna! Trochu si uzijem prochazek po Dubai Mall, kde nesmim navstivit mileho Teda Bakera {uzasne sako}, trochu si jen tak polezime na gauci anebo vytahnu knizku, kterou si vzdy na cestu sem koupim do letadla, abych mel inspiraci, co delat. Letos padl los opet na Paula Coelha a jeho posledni kniha Aleph. Zatim jsme dosel tak daleko, ze je na case zmenit aspon trochu me webovky a udelat nejaky dobry pokus..treba bych mohl jit na svatebni veletrh do Dubaje, ne?

Before the end of the year, I just like last year fled in to the warmth of my wife`s arms. Here I have an oasis for sleeping, thinking and exercises:] It does not take a long time, but it is perfect! A little enjoys like walks on the Dubai Mall, where I can not not to visit beloved Ted Baker {amazing jacket}, just a little nap on the couch or pull a book, which I always buy on the way here before boarding the plane. This year the lot fell again to Paulo Coelho and his last book Aleph. So far I have found it is time to change my web page, and do something really new like an experiment .. would I be able to go to the wedding fair in Dubai?